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samedi 13 mars 2010

GO 1001

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il y a deux ans un pote americain rencontré par hasard quelques années plus tot me fait écouter 'mocassin' des harlem pop trotters. le pote en question est le genre de type qui aurait fait un bon cas d'etude dans 'psychopathia sexualis' s'il y avait eu une section 'vinyl', mais a l'epoque y'avait que 'fourrure'. bref.
des qu'il a une seconde c'est pathologique il faut qu'il aille s'acheter des trucs de vangelis, francis lai ou haruomi hosono et au passage choper des trucs completement obscurs avec des couvertures absolument sublimes tellement elles sont atrocement nulles, d'ou l'idée qui me vient a l'instant qu'on pourrait dire qu'elles sont atrocement sublimes. bref. jemdemande OU a-t-il peché ce truc incroyable ?

un an plus tard en fouinant chez merry-melody a paname je tombe par hasard dans le bac library sur le vol. reggae de la serie go. et je me dis alors, putain, il y a quelque chose de delicieux a ecouter un truc pareil pour la premiere fois. un truc gamin, une forme d'emerveillement. on se dit qu'est-ce que CE truc ? on est intrigué par cette incroyable liberté musicale qui est probablement liée - au-dela du talent - au format un peu ringard, un peu formaté de la library music. faut produire du groove, faut qu'ça swingue simone on est pas la pour faire du sériel.

et la question d'apres c'est evidement QUI fait ce truc ?
bon. jc pierric. ok. aucune idée. et puis j'oublie.

la-dessus mon pote passe en france il y a 6 mois. et bon comme c'est monsieur crate-digging en personne pour lui faire plaisir je l'accompagne chez croco-disques et la PAF il sort un vinyl de la serie go d'un carton avec un air triomphal genre est-ce que je suis pas monsieur crate-digging en personne ? on ecoute. c'est mortel. comme c'est le seul exemplaire et que je l'ai pas on se promet de le ripper en mp3 et de se l'envoyer et puis on oublie.

il y a trois heures je passe sur le site ou ses potes americains s'echangent leur tuyaux de musique atrocement sublimes - les mecs c'est des super specialistes de la question - et REPAF je vois une couverture de la serie go, une que j'ai jamais vu. et me voila sur votre blog pris d'un acces de telechargite.

dans le fond c'est pas tres interessant ce que je vous raconte. mais je tenais a vous le raconter in extenso parceque je me dis que chaque jour il y a des milliers de petits loups qui adorent la musique et qui se demandent MAIS qui peut bien faire des trucs PAREILS et que maintenant grace a vous non seulement ils savent mais ils peuvent aussi pleurer de concert en telechargeant comme des brutes tous ces petits bijoux que vous leur offrez pour leur 'faire plaisir'.

chapeau et merci.


there is two years a pal americain met by chance a few years earlier makes me listen to ' mocassin' harlem pop trotters. the pal in question is the kind of the type which would have made a good case of study in ' psychopathia sexualis' if there had been a section ' vinyl', but has the time y' had that ' fourrure'. in short.
as soon as it has one second it is pathological one needs that it will buy tricks of vangelis, lay Francis or haruomi hosono and with the passage choper of the completely obscure tricks with covers absolutely sublimes so much they are atrociously null, of or the idea which comes me has the moment that one could say that they are atrociously sublimes short jemdemande OR did peché this incredible trick?

one year later while fouinant at merry-melody has paname I fall by chance in the vat library on the vol. reggae from the series go. and I say myself then, whore, there is something of delicieux A to listen to a similar trick for the premiere time. a trick kid, a form of amazement. one tells what EC trick? one is intrigued by this incredible musical freedom which is probably related - beyond the talent - to the format a little ringard, a little formatted library music. is necessary to produce groove, is necessary that that swingue simone one is not to make the serial one.

and is the question according to it cavity WHICH makes this trick?
good. jc pierric. ok. no idea. and then I forget.

on top my pal passes to France 6 months ago. and good as it is Mister crate-digging to in person please to him I accompany it at croco-discs and amn't the PAF it leaves a vinyl the series go a paperboard with a triumphal air kind I Mister crate-digging in person? one listens to it is mortal as it is the only specimen and than I do not have it one promises myself of the ripper in mp3 and to be sent it and then one forgets.

three hours ago I pass on the site or its pals americains exchange their pipes of music atrociously sublimes - the guys they is super specialists of the question - and REPAF I see a cover of the series go, one which I ever saw and veiled me on your blog taken of accesses of telechargite.

in the content it is not very interessant what I tell you but I held has to tell it in extenso to you because I think that each day there are thousands of small wolves which adore the music and which wonder BUT which can make SIMILAR tricks well and that maintaining thanks to you not only they know but they can as cry in concert while telechargeant as rough all these small jewels as you offer to them ' to make them plaisir'.

hat and thank you.

Previously I've posted an album released by French musician Daniel Janin featuring some of his best numbers. On this occasion I'd written some words about his friend and fellow musician Jean-Claude Pierric. J.C. Pierric participated to several libray music albums as "Go" (5 volumes, here is the first one), "Velvet Dreams", "News Boys" or "Delta Sound" for example, and also produced or played for some really rare and cult albums : Godchild, the Abrax albums, Harlem Pop Trotters ...

Concerning this today album, the first "Go" of the serie, the cover picture was taken on his excellent blog, but the rip presented here is mine.
There are few details about this album on the back cover which is as enigmatic as the nice but strange front cover.
Even the release year is not printed. Maybe end of 70's, beginning of 80's according to the electronic materials used in this full-of-inventiveness and very groovy disco / funk & easy library music.


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